Misure applicate in territorio austriaco in relazione alla pandemia da COVID-19
27 ottobreLa Direzione Generale Autotrasporto persone e cose – DIV4 – del Dipartimento per la mobilità sostenibile, ha comunicato in data odierna ad Unusca un messaggio del Ministero austriaco competente concernente l’applicazione sul territorio austriaco dal 1 novembre 2021 di specifiche misure di prevenzione utili a contrastare la diffusione della pandemia da COVID-19. Come è indicato nel messaggio, non è prevista alcuna esenzione per i conducenti dei veicoli commerciali.
"Dear colleagues,
as of November 1st employees, owners and operators are only allowed to enter workplaces (where physical contact with other people cannot be ruled out) if they have tested, recovered or vaccinated (German: 3G, English: TRV, EC: DCC). Contacts within the meaning of the first sentence do not include a maximum of two physical contacts per day, which take place outdoors and each do not last longer than 15 minutes (e.g. professional drivers). Between November 1st and 14th, the lack of 3G-/ TGV-proof can be substituted by wearing an FFP2 mask:
· test means an official certificate in German or English of an Antigen-test not older than 24 hours, a PCR-test not older than 72 hours or an official proof an antibody not older than 90 days
· recovered means to hold an official recovery certificate in German or English not older than 180 days
· vaccination means to hold an official certificate in German or English of a second or third vaccination not older than 360 days for vaccines where two shots are necessary, or a second vaccination not older than 270 days or third vaccination not older than 360 days for vaccines where one shot is necessary
· a previous infection and one or more vaccinations not older than 360 days are treated as valid vaccination as well
Aircrafts, trains, trucks, busses and coaches, taxis, ships, … are NOT excluded from this new requirement.
With best regards,